Developing standards for activated material characterisation would not only improve the safe handling of these materials, but also help unclutter storage facilities by removing materials that can be recycled. For some time, CERN’s HSE unit has been developing the ActiWiz software, used in the lab and by other academic and industrial partners to characterise activated material. The latest licensee of ActiWiz is ARRONAX, a hybrid public/private organisation that collaborates closely with ANDRA, the French national radioactive waste management agency. Assisting ARRONAX in waste management with expertise and tools like ActiWiz promotes the methods and tools used at CERN, which could lead to wider adoption, by the authorities. This would be an important step for CERN and the community.
ActiWiz: Licence Signed with ARRONAX, Co-development of Standards for Characterisation of Activated Material
ActiWiz: Licence Signed with ARRONAX, Co-development of Standards for Characterisation of Activated Material
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